The Central Coast Waldorf School (A.K.A. Wishing Well School)

Open House 2025 RSVP

You're invited and we would love the opportunity to host you at our annual Open House event.

Saturday, March 1st 9:00 am - 12:30 pm

Experience the wonder, feel the beauty, dive into our rich curriculum, get lost in the magic.

Reminder that Open House and our other enrollment events are FOR ADULTS ONLY, to allow for more meaningful dialog. Note that attending our Open House (or other enrollment event) is a required first step, prior to completing an application.

Note: Along with most Waldorf programs, we use a birth date cut-off of June 1st, rather than September 1st. For example, a "Kindergarten" student would turn 6 by June 1st during their Kindergarten year; a 1st Grade student would turn 7 by June 1st during their 1st Grade year.)

Wishing Well School is located at Sunnyside Elementary School Campus in Los Osos. Our Office is located in Room 17.