You’re helping us Bridge the Gap.
We are exceptionally grateful to our supportive community and inspired by the deepening philanthropic culture at our school. Your donations enable us to provide a holistic education that develops tomorrow’s leaders. We know that the roots of stewardship planted today will flourish for generations. Thank you for your generosity. We are proud to be in partnership with you.
Spring Gala & Auction
This memorable event is a fabulous triple-whammy: 1) a great party night with our superstar community AND 2) a thrilling dose of anticipation with our stellar auction AND 3) our biggest fundraiser of our several annual events. An evening ball for the adults in our community, the Spring Gala & Auction brings together a night of entertainment, fine nourishment and dazzling refreshments, top notch company, and superb auction items. Our entire parent-body is asked to participate by: 1) contributing and procuring auction items AND 2) to prioritize attending for the benefit of all. While not all families may have the financial capacity to participate in the auction, attending the Gala brings a spirit of connection, collaboration, and shared commitment to our beautiful, one-in-a-million community. A small committee of parents helps produce this lovely evening, with volunteer support.
Year Round Opportunities
Our year is peppered with simple, accessible opportunities to engage with our community while also contributing to our annual fundraising goals. Events such as Game Night (for adults), the Enchanted Pumpkin Path, and our Winter Faire provide unforgettable, joyous events to our community of families, while also raising funds. We have begun the process of building meaningful, mutually supportive partnerships with local businesses. Grocery Outlet and Ralph’s donates a portion of their sales from Wishing Well families back to our school. We have occasional “give back” partnerships with local restaurants (Hidden Kitchen, Old Ale House, High Street, and more) and businesses (Cayucos Pharmacy, Sea & Green in Cambria, and more) – on specified dates, a percent of all proceeds are donated to our school. We love these opportunities to support a local business and support our students as well!
Free ways to donate:
- Shop at Grocery Outlet (LOS), let them know you are with Wishing Well School and a portion of proceeds will be returned to Wishing Well School
- Join our community fundraising events and restaurant gatherings.
- Donate your time with our Volunteer Program.
- Share, like and comment on our social media posts